Are Earwigs bad for my garden?

I’m grateful at times for living in Utah. The climate is perfect, dry and sunny, and you don’t really have to worry that much about bugs. Which is a great thing for those vegetables that are prone to bugs. And although we don’t have a ton of bugs, we still have a few pesky ones that drive me crazy.

I went out into my garden yesterday and saw A TON of holes in my plants. WHAT?!

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I was a little on the panicky side for the entire day, thinking that my garden, along with a few gardens of some friends, would be eaten by bugs. Later that day I was trying to re-arrange my zucchini from taking over all my onions and shallots (BAD day for shallots) when I found these guys hiding in a trellis:

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….I hate earwigs….

Not to mention the horror stories you grew up hearing about them crawling through your ear and eating your brain! (Which, FYI, is false).

But I have some good news about these guys, they aren’t all bad! And although they can make a few plants look like they have leprosy, they don’t  necessarily hurt them. Earwigs are also known for eating larvae, slugs, snails, and other garden foes. So in the long run, they might be worth keeping!

Portia Westesen